About Egged, Israel by bus, travelling by bus in Israel
About Egged

About Egged

Egged - Israel By bus (C)EGGED

Egged - Intercity

Egged - Inner city lines (C)EGGED

Egged - Innercity

© Egged. The history of Egged started 72 years ago, in January 1933, when four public transportation companies were united into one organization, which the national poet Chaim Nachman Bialik called "Egged". Even so, the history of a motorized public transport in Eretz Israel actually started long before, at the end of the First World War, after the British Army had defeated the Turkish Army and the Government of His Majesty King George V received the mandate to rule here.

Egged, the leading public transport operator in Israel, is one of the largest public transport companies in the world, and provides 60% of public transport services in Israel throughout the whole country.


Today Egged employs 6, 242 people, of whom 2, 304 are members of the cooperative and 3, 938 are salaried employees. There are 4, 327 drivers and transportation worker, 916 management employees, 999 service and maintenance workers, 34 operational branches, 31 service depots, 25 central bus stations and 4 intersection terminals.

Egged runs 3, 160  buses (of whom 114 are armored buses) for more than 1,038 service routes and 3,984 alternative routes all over Israel. Egged makes 44,957 trips every day, transporting about a million passengers over 810, 519 km of roads. 


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