Taba Border
The Taba International Border, opened April 26, 1982, is currently the only operational entry & exit point between Israel & Egypt that handles tourists.
Starting form June 14th 2014 the terminal will be open between 07:00 am till 19:00 pm.
Closed on Eid El-Idha (Muslim holiday) and Yom Kippur (Jewish holiday).
Services rendered at the terminal
Drive-in stations for those traveling by car
Change Place stand offering currency exchange
James Richardson Duty Free shop
Transportation to and from the terminal
♦ The Israeli border terminal can be reached from within Israel by Egged bus number 15 from Eilat's central bus station. ♦ Privately owned Israeli cars and rental cars may cross through the terminal. But rental cars from Israel may only stay in the confines of the Egyptian border terminal (this includes the parking lots of the Hilton Taba and Mövenpick Taba Resort)
♦ Privately owned Israeli cars may travel within the Sinai after a change of license plates, registration and the payment of a tax.
Taba Border crossing fees & taxes
♦ LE 46.00/ Egyptian Pounds = $14 (Inbound Egypt)
♦ NIS 101 / Israeli Shekel = $33.00 (Outbound Israel)
♦ Egyprian Entry Visa (to be pre-aranged) about $25
Border fees for those crossing by vehicle:
On the Israeli side
♦ Translation of vehicle license – ~16 NIS (It is recommended to do this at one of the MEMSI (Israel Automobile Club branches throughout the country).
♦ Issuing an international driver’s license – ~16 NIS.
♦ Comprehensive insurance valid for 3 months in the Sinai area and Jordan (not compulsory) ~349 NIS.
On the Egyptian side
♦ Vehicle registration, customs, compulsory vehicle insurance and issuing Egyptian vehicle license plates - 190 Egyptian Pounds. (It is recommended to keep the vehicle license plates and the small paper documents that the Egyptians write and give you - this saves time and money).
♦ The rates listed for services on the Egyptian side change from time to time, and therefore are only approximate rates.
Total cost of passage for a vehicle is close to 600 NIS (including insurance).
No visa passage
♦ Travellers planning to stay up to 14 days in the Sinai's Eastern Coast & Saint Catherine only. (Note: after 7 days in the Sinai you are required to stamp your passport at an Egyptian Imigration Authority Post.)
Visa passage & requirements
♦ Passengers traveling further west than Saint Catherine Monastery. (even if the stay is for less than 14 days.)
♦ Travelers to Cairo.
♦ Passengers traveling on Laissez Passer documents.
♦ The issue of a visa at the Egyptian Embassy in Israel for Israeli passport holders takes several days, foriegn (non-Israeli) passport holders may process their visa within one working day.
Israeli side Taba Terminal switchboard 08-6360999
Link to >> Israel Port Authorities/ Taba Border
Egypt Embassy , Israel
Basel St. # 54 Tel Aviv / Israel
Phone: +972-3-546-4151 | +972-3-546-4152
Fax: +972-3-544-1615
All of the above information is offered as service info page. Tour Plan Israel will not be held in any way responsible for any misinformation presented. We do our utmost to present here the most accurate & updated information, but it is your final responsability to cheque & verify all details.
See here our trips to Cairo &/or Sinai